Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meat Free Menu:BlackBean & Corn Sliders

In my never ending quest to find food that is tasty and good for you. I continue to try and find meals that are meat free and not only taste good, but keep you feeling full. So I search through multiple vegan cookbooks and try to find things that I think will fill my needs. In my search I fell upon a cookbook called "Spork-fed" written by two vegan sister whose names escape me, but look like delightful vegans from Los Angeles, where all vegans come from. I may have messed around with the recipe, but probably not, and call me what you will, I didn't track down vegan worchestershire sauce. I figure a little anchovy juice doesn't hurt when you have replaced the rest of the burger with beany goodness. I omitted the corn my first time out, but have since added it and tastes just as good. I really like the fact that I get to put in oats. I think it gives it a chewy texture that helps me not miss the meat.

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