Sunday, March 7, 2010

Christos's Classic Cookbook: Mains is Complete!!!

I like most foodies love cooking magazines. And at certain point the time comes where the collection of these magazines becomes overwhelming. I don't want my shelves cluttered with them but I can't bear to throw them away. So I decided to clip the best recipes I could find and catalogue them in a binder. And so the C.C.C. was born. This was roughly 3 years ago and I'll have to admit I have been working on it sparatically. So the clipping began and as I was cutting out the recipes I have been collecting for possibly the past 10 years from magazines and the internet. I soon realized I was "going to need a bigger boat" So I broke them up into Volumes. As of right now there are 4. Appetizers, Vegetables, Mains, and Desserts. Knowing that over time I will be adding and removing recipes I catalogued the pages in groups of ten rather than numbering each page. As the years go on I will keep on adding to the collection So I may break it down into even more Volumes, Pastas, Fish, etc. But as of this morning I am happy to say it is complete. Over 240 pages of Breads, Soups, Pastas, and Meats,Condiment, Rubs, and Sauces. All in one go-to book. Now onto Appetizers, or maybe Desserts. That one seems like it's going to be a big one.